AV Stumpfl Wings Engine | media server

AV Stumpfl Wings Engine | media server

  • Wings Engines by AV Stumpfl constitute high‐performance, high‐reliability hardware
    for multidisplay shows.
  • The system is capable of playing a large number of files and different layers at the same time. It can also bring in external sources, such as computers and cameras.
89.900 kr

Tillgänglighet: Endast 2 kvar i lager

2 kvar
AV Stumpfl Wings Engine | media server

AV Stumpfl Wings Engine | media server

  • Wings Engines by AV Stumpfl constitute high‐performance, high‐reliability hardware
    for multidisplay shows.
  • The system is capable of playing a large number of files and different layers at the same time. It can also bring in external sources, such as computers and cameras.
89.900 kr
2 kvar

Tillgänglighet: Endast 2 kvar i lager

Teknik från installation